2 min

What Makes A Manager's Decision Biased?

Business decisions are taken at the office and always have its value. In fact, decisions are taken every day in every aspect of functionality. While taking any decisions, a manager must consider a lot of things and arrive at a proper solution. Well informed decisions make sound communication throughout the office. Are these decisions biased?

Biased Nature | Many Contexts

Well, the word bias has a multi-fold meaning in this context. As such a manager decides in the interest of the organization. And that interest must be communicated in a delegated fashion to the peers. Offering responsibility and ownership of a particular decision shall be spread across the department. In this case, the manager is biased towards the organization.

On the other hand, a decision is taken, and it must be communicated to complete a task. This part of the circumstance also requires a decision to be taken. Moreover, to complete a task, the required expertise is expected. While delegating the task, there must not be any partiality. It must be transparent and not targeted.

3 Steps to Be Unbiased Always

The most important aspect of not being biased while delegating task are mentioned below.

Right Skill Set: While delegating a task, the manager must take note of the team members who have the expertise to do it. This step is of prime importance, as you will get to list out all the members who have the right skill set to perform well.

Create deadlines: This is a simultaneous step of the decision-making process. While you list out the members, also outline when the task must be completed. This becomes critical for the task to complete. Further, keep the deadline comfortable irrespective of the members who will be selected for this task.

Transparent discussion: This is the final step. Hold a meeting with the team members. Keep the task and deadline clear and discuss with the team members and allow them to choose the members who will be doing it. This ensures that the team has taken a decision. Verify with your expert team list and be assured that the task is completed.

The three-step process shall ensure ownership right from the beginning. What it does is? The team members themselves have volunteered. Moreover, the team members shall abide by the deadline and get the task done effectively.

Here, there is no involvement of a biased nature. More importantly, the responsibility of the task is also available. This ensures the betterment of the team and the task. The aspect of biased decisions happens only when you make the decisions alone. If you are making it transparent, it becomes unbiased and well received.

Avoid the Deadly Two

The things to be avoided that shows the partiality is.

Favoring One: Whenever you have a discussion or a team meeting, address everyone equally. Do not sound that you are favoring anyone during the meeting.

Allocate tasks to One: This is the severest mistake that any manager can do. Do not allocate a task to the same person. Or ask the same person to allocate it to others. This shall bring grievance among the team members.

After all, actions are the ones that make it sound partial. Be transparent and be unbiased.

Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla

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