Even the best laid and thought out plans can be affected by a plethora of unforeseen circumstances, it is vital for a company, in the modern business environment to have contingency plans to fall back on. Contingency plans need to be constantly reviewed and revised to ensure that they will offer a practical recourse to the company’s situations.
Aims and Objectives
At the conclusion of this course the delegate will be able to:
Identify what exactly a crisis is
Understand the various roles within the crisis management team
Create a crisis management plan
Put the plan into action
Understand the various emergency response situations
Implementing damage control
Understand the shortcomings of crisis management control
This course is ideal for
Anyone involved in emergency planning and crisis management
Crisis Management Teams
Executives and Board-of-directors
Security Managers
Course Content
Introduction to crisis management
Identifying a crisis - Conducting the Crisis Audit
Crisis management basics
Stages of a crisis
Understanding the crisis management tools
Leadership within a crisis situation
Crisis team structure and responsibility
Crisis Communication with stakeholders and media
Crisis procedures and emergency setup
Putting the crisis management plan into action
Emergency response planning and actioning
Weaknesses in crisis management plan
Strategic evaluation of security measures
Maintaining Plans
Technology integration
Delegates Prerequisites
Have a good understanding of their own subject area.
Course Methodology
This course is an instructor led classroom based environment, always guaranteed to be taught by a subject matter expert. The classes will be conducted over 2 days. The course consists of a blend of lectures, application, individualistic and team based exercises. All other materials will be provided to the attendees in the classroom environment. At the conclusion of the course, there will be an exam and a certification can be obtained upon attaining the passing grade.