What comes to mind when you think about an open office environment? For others, it is a great, Millennial-style office space straight out of Silicon Valley, complete with low-slung sofas, coffee tables and foosball tables. On the other hand, others see it as an ineffective petri dish in which they must struggle to sustain their focus. Here are ways of promoting an open environment and reducing oversharing. It is not difficult to create an egalitarian, sharing culture that motivates workers.
Here are easy steps to creating a collaborative environment.
Photo sharing
Everyone posts photographs on social media with families and friends and fostering this interaction in the workplace is a perfect way to promote a shared community and help workers bond. It can also be a vital source of information for recruiting and promotions because images convey much emotional material.
Create communities of concern outside of the workplace
Eighteen percent of employees state that they would be more committed at work if they enjoyed their coworkers. The issue is not personal conflict; it is a lack of resources to bond. Encourage staff to form relationships outside of project teams, talent management, and form relationships focused on secret desires.
Organize team-building events
Organizations host a variety of monthly gatherings. Teams also play in philanthropic activities, escape rooms, and human foosball games. These social outlets may significantly affect human body chemistry, enhance cognitive functions and efficiency, and increase tolerance to new ideas.
Eat together
Most significant holidays revolve around food. Eating together is one of the most natural ways for people to communicate. According to recent studies, it also increases worker efficiency and improves human resources.
Celebrate professional and personal accomplishments
Sharing milestones is a critical component of creating successful talent management. It provides opportunities to humanize leadership, promote inclusiveness, and recognize the diversity of talents within an organization. Set up a bulletin board in the lunchroom, use social media, and take a few minutes at the close of weekly meetings to remember accomplishments.
Dealing with Oversharing
However, there are drawbacks to revealing one's experiences. Nobody allows offensive conduct or material to circulate in the workplace, and regulatory breaches with financial and healthcare providers may be significant issues.
Defining acceptable behavior
Most companies take a strict stance, while others expect workers to use good judgment. The strategy should be tailored to the company's culture, but keep in mind that the more constraints there are, the less relaxed people may be with sharing.
Empower employees to self-manage
HR does not impose programs to foster relational communities. Creating organizational champions reduces workload and fosters a sense of mutual duty and ownership.
Use technology that complies with company policy
Most businesses can find their balance, and many find that social media bans are inefficient and dangerous. Instead, it is preferable to use private social engagement platforms that embody business culture.
Employee participation stems from an open and welcoming workplace that encourages people to express themselves and form tighter bonds. Do not leave it to chance, incorporate sharing into the company's ethos.
Fortunately, there are several workarounds for the drawbacks of open workplaces. If you must have an open office structure and staff does not always need to collaborate, one recommendation is to have high-quality noise-cancelling headphones.
Another choice is to divide the office into areas, like how college libraries do. Make certain places quiet, while others are designated as community work zones as far apart as possible.
Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla
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