Error proofing is using a structured approach to eliminate errors and ensuring quality in your work processes. Error proofing is also known by many names such as Poka Yoke, which is a Japanese concept that is widely attributed to Shigeo Shingo. The primary aim of such error proofing processes is to help people and processes work right, the first time.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the programme is to enable the delegate to:
Gain an understanding of error proofing
Identify root causes of error
Gain a knowledge the tools and techniques used in error proofing
Be able to reduce and eliminate waste
Be able to train others on error proofing methodology
This course is ideal for
Decision makers
Business process owners
Operational and support staff from both the manufacturing and service sectors
Course Content
Introduction to error proofing
The root causes of error and how to identify them
The costs of error - rework, extra work, scrap and wastage, warranty costs, inspection costs
Root Cause Analysis Tools for Mistake-Proofing
How does error proofing work
Create an error proofing culture within a company
Positive and negative types of cultures
Error proofing function and devices
General failure modes
Zero Quality Control (ZQC)
Components of ZQC
How to achieve ZQC
Case studies associated with error proofing
Delegates Prerequisites
Attendees must have a good working knowledge of their own industry sector.
Course Methodology
This course is an instructor led classroom based environment, conducted by a leadership expert. The classes will be conducted over 2 days. The course consists of a blend of lectures, application, projects and exercises. All other materials will be provided to the attendees in the classroom environment. At the conclusion of the course, there will be an exam and a certification can be obtained upon attaining the passing grade.