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Personalities That Don’t Get Promoted At Work

In a rational world, promotion does not rely on personalities, but it is more of the objectives of work performance. However, based on human nature, it might be a realistic goal to achieve. Some personalities have a better chance of particular work opportunities compared to others. Sometimes, you may be a top performer in your organization, but you are not promoted. This, therefore, may cause of a lack of skills or other necessary credentials. However, it is ideal to understand that every promotion comes with different packages. As a result, here are some of the personalities that are not promoted at work.

The Chatty Cathy

In a place where there are frequent communicators, there is always frequent and positive attention from the superiors. but when your communication is about harmful activities that cause division in the organization by spreading rumours and spending quality time on unnecessary matters with coworkers, then such attitudes will not define you're a desirable person for promotions and more responsibilities as well as increased income.

The Doormat

Effective employees will always seek advice from their managers whenever the need arises. Persons who carry more workload than they can handle as well fail to speak up when overworked them do not deserve a promotion. Besides, such people will not be of relevance, especially in professionalism and decision making in the company. Therefore, such personalities should do not be promoted at work.

The Negative Nancy

Some employees always take their colleague's opinions negatively; regularly complain without seeking clarification on the matters affecting them. Such employees also do not find solutions to the challenges facing the organization. The negative employees will never have a piece of positive advice to anyone within the office set up. Anything that happens within the organization will rarely affect them hence this makes it difficult for managers to give them promotions whenever a chance arises.

The Damsel in Distress

A good team player should take responsibility for their mistakes and review their weaknesses on practical matters. When you happen to be a victim and always blaming others for failures such as missing deadlines or substandard work, you are likely to have a hard time gaining trust colleagues and senior managers.

The Rage Monster

Highly tempered people are not acceptable in a work environment set up. However, most employees do not understand the truth behind this aspect. Instead of unleashing your anger on your workmates. It is necessary to find a better way of handling your anger while at work. Most managers who have high temper problems creates a culture of fear in the organization. This, therefore, becomes toxic and does not yield any 'positive results’.

The Know-It-All

Employers always go for qualified and knowledgeable employees who have an interest in sharing and learning new information. However, as an employee, when you find yourself correcting your colleagues insisting that your ideas, as well as strategies, are more enlightening compared to those of others without evidence backing your sentiments, you are always wrong. This means that you are making yourself smart while alienating your coworkers as well as your supervisor and weakening your status when the time for promotions arrives.

Finally, the above reasons will help you gauge your behavior in the working place. In this way, you will understand why you have not been promoted for a long time or what you need to do to get a promotion when your time comes.


Written by:

Girish Rohra Chawla

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