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Shifting HR from an Operational Collaborator to a Strategic Partner

Operational HR Management and strategic HR management are different entities of operation in day-to-day activities. Operational roles involve daily meetings with the needs of the employees, while strategic tasks include the management itself while predicting the outcome and ensuring the company has a qualified workforce that will help it in achieving its set goals. However, both operations are significant in the success of the business.

In operational HR management, the HR staff members are the top administrators. Therefore, they are visible to the employees because they major into day-to-day activities. The roles, therefore, include recruitment as well as management of risks. The operational HR management uses the information to maintain the data in the system. They can also oversee the payroll departments.

Strategic HR operations require HR professionals to take into consideration the entire business growth and implement ways that will generate a direct contribution to long-term objectives. It is, therefore, an integral part of the plan for the business and has a close relationship with employees. The HR members try to estimate the needs of the company and work towards developing employee programs that will help in attaining the needs.


The technology is the primary key in shifting from operational to strategic roles in the organization. The improved advancement and growth in the technology sector have led to the use of different software packages that makes the entire process automotive through the main activities that are conducted by HR. The process, therefore, makes HR productive in improving the future of the company as well as for the employees. How then can HR move from operational to strategic roles in an organization?

Management Performance and Employee Engagement:

The review process of any department of individuals should be determined both on a short-term and long-term basis. Roles, for example, compensation, reviews, and capability of answering employee’s questions should be addressed daily. When these tasks are automated, there will be room for strategic management roles, such as defining knowledge and skills that are significant in the growth of the company. Proper tracking and management of company resources, strategic management design initiatives that create an environment that fosters creativity as well as innovation.


Employees should be subjected to regular exercise and training to ensure the company is up to date with the universal working style. Some cases, for instance, shifting teams and introducing new technology, require employees to be trained. When technology is used for daily training workshops and sessions, it provides an opportunity for the HR team to take control of other aspects, for instance, aligning the employee’s future achievements with the company. In this way, employees get the opportunity to experience a sense of belonging in the organization.

Talent Acquisition:

Having qualified candidates for roles that suit them is not an easy task. Therefore, HR should get into the ground by conducting interviews in different institutions to ensure they have a background check, attending job fairs, and orienting employees to the company. If these processes are automated, they will give more scope to the HR to create appropriate shifting and employee promotion within the organization.

Overall, the rate at which people and organizations are growing, it is clear that there are efficiency and stability that is powered by technology.

Is your HR’s company still trapped in focusing on operational issues and thereby overlooking the bigger picture? How does your company benefit from having a HR who is more on a strategic level? What would you suggest?


Written by:

Girish Rohra Chawla

FB: @millennialhrconsultant


Instagram: @millennialhrconsultant


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