Sales at its most fundamental level is the ability of a business to cover its expenses determines whether it will have a stable operation, provide opportunities for growth and it is normally a good indicator of the health of the organisation. Even if a business has a great business idea, great location, technology and furnishings, without sales, it would have all been for nothing. Therefore this means effective sales leadership is crucial to the health and direction of a company. If the company does not have a clear goal or vision for developing the sales function, it would be extremely difficult for the company to achieve its corporate objectives.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the programme is to enable the delegate to:
Enhance your sales strategy
Improve sales performance
manage customer relationships
Creating bespoke client value propositions
Track your sales performance by using the right metrics
Learn how to identify ‘buying signals’ and ‘close’ your sale
Position products and services
Learn how to provide customers with a complete solution
This course is ideal for
Senior sales staff
Senior management (including CEO's, Directors, VP's )
Those looking` to move into leadership positions
Course Content
Introduction to sales
Personality traits and attitudes
Strategic mindsets
Strategically aligning sales goals with corporate vision and targets
Time management
Using the SMART model for goal development
Competitive analysis
Micro and Macro analysis
Profit maximising strategies
Tools and techniques
Sales presentations - preparation and delivery
Client relationship building and pipeline Management
Negotiations and closing sales
Creating value propositions for enterprise Customers
Creating strategic advantage
Change management
Sales forecasting
Motivating the Sales Force
Delegates Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites to take this course.​
Course Methodology
This course is an instructor led classroom based environment, conducted by an expert. The classes will be conducted over 3 days. The course consists of a blend of lectures, application, projects and exercises. All other materials will be provided to the attendees in the classroom environment. At the conclusion of the course a certification can be obtained.